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100% No Win No Fee claims, in-house solicitors, decades of experience.
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Accident Claims Advice

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Accident Claims Advice

At Accident Claims Advice, we understand that making an accident claim for a personal injury in the UK can be a daunting task for many claimants. Whether you’re dealing with the aftermath of a road traffic accident, grappling with an injury sustained at work, or facing the consequences of a slip and fall in a public place, knowing your rights and understanding the accident claims process is only going to be beneficial. That’s where we come in.

With a dedicated team of experienced personal injury solicitors, we specialise in providing expert guidance and robust representation in all aspects of accident and personal injury claims, and all on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis. We’re here to clarify the process for you, ensuring that you’re fully informed and confidently prepared every step of the way. Our aim is not just to guide you through the legal process, but to ensure that the process of claiming compensation for your injury is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

You can call us now on 0800 652 4881 to discuss how you’ve been injured and your eligibility to start a claim or continue reading for more details on the accident claims process.

Comprehensive Support In Various Accident Claim Types

Our team of solicitors specialise in a wide range of accident and injury claims. Some areas of their expertise include:

  • Road Traffic Accidents – Whether you’re a driver, passenger, cyclist, or pedestrian, our solicitors have the expertise to handle your claim efficiently and effectively.
  • Accidents at Work – From minor strains and sprains to more serious industrial accidents, we understand the nuances of claiming compensation in the workplace.
  • Accidents in a Public Place – If you’ve been injured in a public place due to the negligence of a council or local authority, our team is here to help you get the compensation you deserve.
  • Slips, Trips and Falls – Whether you’ve slipped on a wet floor, tripped on a cracked pavement or fallen down a flight of stairs, our solicitors are skilled in handling such claims.
  • Medical Negligence – If you’ve suffered needlessly due to medical negligence, the solicitors on our team can help you through the process of making a medical negligence claim. We understand the sensitivity and complexity of these cases and are committed to securing the best outcome for you.
  • Sports Injury Claims – We can help you claim compensation for sports injuries due to poor coaching, defective equipment, or unsafe facilities, ensuring you receive the necessary support during your recovery.

We also have a dedicated team of claims advisors working alongside our team of solicitors available to answer your questions and provide free advice 24/7 via our live chat service.

Why Use A Solicitor To Make An Accident Claim?

While focusing on recovery from an injury, understandably a personal injury claim may not be your immediate priority. Nevertheless, compensation can provide vital financial support and stability Accident Claimduring what can be challenging times. This is where having an experienced personal injury solicitor representing you can be vital.

Some of the benefits of using a solicitor on our team include:

  • Dealing with legal procedures – Accident claims can involve intricate legal procedures and complex negotiations, which can be overwhelming for somebody without legal expertise. A personal injury solicitor deals with these on behalf of the client.
  • Solicitor’s legal expertise – Our personal injury solicitors have years of experience dealing with accident claims. This experience can be vital for interpreting laws, handling paperwork, negotiating with insurance companies, and representing the claimant in court if necessary.
  • Guidance through the process – A solicitor provides important guidance throughout the accident claims claims process. This can include advising claimants on the evidence required, the potential value of the claim, and the legal rights and options available. Their guidance is instrumental in ensuring that claimants make informed decisions at each stage of the claim.
  • Enhancing understanding – One of the key roles of an accident claims solicitor is to explain the legal process in understandable terms. This simplifies the process for the client, making it more transparent and hopefully less daunting.
  • Likelihood of a successful claim – A solicitor’s involvement typically increases the chances of a successful outcome. They are skilled in building strong cases, negotiating effectively, and achieving settlements that accurately reflect the claimant’s losses and suffering. Their ability to anticipate and tackle potential challenges can be crucial for a favourable outcome.

If you would like to speak with a solicitor on our team please call us on 0800 6524 881. We offer a free telephone consultation on all accident claims and will provide a No Win No Fee service if your claim is taken on.

Frequently Asked Questions:

To help clarify the accident claims process, we’ve addressed several of the most frequently asked questions in the section below.

What Is An Accident Claim?

An accident claim is a legal process through which an individual seeks compensation for injuries or damages sustained in an accident. This compensation is intended to cover various losses and assist in the recovery process with the purpose being to restore the injured party, as much as possible, to the position they were in before the accident, and may cover medical costs, lost earnings, and other related expenses.

How Do I Know If I’m Eligible To Make A Claim?

Not every accident will lead to a viable claim. Therefore, the eligibility to file an accident claim in the UK generally hinges on several criteria, such as:

  • the nature of the incident (was negligence the cause?);
  • the severity of the injury sustained;
  • the time elapsed since the accident.

Typically, there is a 3-year time limit within which an accident claim must be made. Please refer to our FAQ on time limits two questions down.

How Does The Accident Claims Process Work?

The accident claims process involves several key steps. Initially, it’s important to gather all necessary documentation and evidence related to the accident and injuries. This may include taking photos of the accident scene and any injuries, as well as collecting contact information from witnesses. It’s also important to seek medical attention, ensuring all injuries are professionally assessed and treated, with medical records kept as evidence.

Following this initial step, the next step is to contact a personal injury solicitor for a free consultation. If you contact us via phone, email or our live chat you can discuss the details of the accident with a claims advisor who’ll advise you on the viability of the claim. If the claim is deemed viable, and your claim is taken on, a solicitor on our team will then proceed to prepare and file the claim, which typically involves negotiating with the party at fault or their insurance company. This stage aims to reach a settlement that adequately compensates you for your pain and suffering plus damages incurred, such as medical expenses, lost income, and any other related costs.

In cases where negotiations are unsuccessful, the solicitor may recommend taking the case to court. A court decision will then determine the outcome of the accident claim.

What’s The Time Limit For Filing A Personal Injury Claim?

The standard time limit in the UK for filing a personal injury claim is generally three years from the date of the accident or the date when you first became aware of the injury, which is known as the ‘date of knowledge‘. This time limit applies to most personal injury claims, including workplace accidents, slips, trips, and falls, and road traffic accidents.However, some exceptions can apply to this rule:

  • Children. If the person who suffered the injury was under 18 at the time of the accident, the three-year period does not start until their 18th birthday, giving them until their 21st birthday to make a claim.
  • Mental capacity. If the injured person lacks the mental capacity to make a claim, there may be no time limit until the capacity is regained.
  • Industrial diseases. For industrial diseases or conditions that develop over time (like asbestos-related diseases), the three-year time limit typically starts from the date of diagnosis or the date you first realised your condition was linked to your employment.
  • Criminal injuries. If you’re making a claim for a criminal injury through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), the time limit is generally two years from the date of the incident.

It’s important to note that the process must be started within the three-year period, and generally the sooner the better. Getting legal advice as soon as possible helps to make sure that your rights are protected and that you meet all necessary timeframes for your specific situation.

What Evidence Do I Need For An Accident Claim

When pursuing an accident claim, the strength of your case will largely depend on the evidence you can provide. This evidence serves to substantiate your claim, demonstrating both the occurrence of the accident and the extent of your injuries and any financial losses. Here are some common types of evidence used in accident claims:

  • Photographic and video evidence. Photos or videos taken at the scene of the accident can strengthen a claim enormously. They can capture the immediate aftermath, including damage to vehicles, property, and visible personal injuries. This type of evidence is hard to dispute and can provide a clear depiction of the accident’s cause and impact.
  • Medical records and reports. These are perhaps the most vital pieces of evidence when calculating compensation for general damages. Medical records detail the extent of your injuries, the treatment you received, and any future medical needs. They establish a direct link between the accident and your injuries, which is essential for your accident claim.
  • Witness statements. Statements from people who witnessed the accident can provide an independent account of what happened. These testimonies can support your version of events and can be especially valuable if the cause is disputed.
  • Police reports. If the police attended the scene of the accident, their report could be a key piece of evidence. It often includes the officer’s observations, statements from those involved and witnesses, and sometimes conclusions about who was at fault.
  • Accident reconstruction reports. In complex cases, experts may recreate the accident using available evidence. These reports can be persuasive, particularly in situations where the cause or the dynamics of the accident are in dispute.
  • Financial evidence. Receipts, invoices, and records of expenses related to the accident are important when calculating special damages. These can include medical expenses, costs for repair or replacement of property, and evidence of lost wages if you had to take time off work.
  • Expert testimonies. Depending on the nature of your claim, testimonies from medical experts, occupational therapists, or other professionals can be beneficial. They can provide insights into the long-term impact of your injuries and any future implications.
  • Personal diary or journal. Keeping a daily log of your recovery process, pain levels, and how the injury affects your daily life can be compelling. It provides a personal perspective on the impact of the accident on your quality of life.

Collecting and presenting strong evidence is fundamental to the success of an accident claim. It’s important to gather as much relevant evidence as possible and to do so promptly after the accident to ensure its accuracy and reliability.

How Much Compensation Can I Expect From An Accident Claim?

The amount of compensation awarded for an accident claim is influenced by various factors, including the severity of the injury/injuries, the financial losses incurred, and potential ongoing care costs. These can essentially be broken down into two primary categories of damages: general damages and special damages. These damages collectively aim to compensate the injured party for their losses and suffering due to the accident.

General Damages

General damages compensate for non-monetary losses, primarily focusing on the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity (quality of life) the claimant has endured due to their injuries.

Typical factors included in general damages are:

  • Pain and suffering. This covers the physical pain and discomfort caused by the injuries. It takes into account the severity and duration of pain, along with any long-term discomfort.
  • Mental and emotional distress. Accidents often cause psychological trauma, such as anxiety from a car accident, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Compensation for these conditions is included under general damages.
  • Loss of amenity. This refers to the loss of enjoyment in life due to the injuries. If you’re unable to partake in hobbies, social activities, or other pleasures of life you previously enjoyed, you may receive compensation for this loss of amenity.

Calculating these is more subjective and can vary significantly from case to case.

Examples of compensation amounts for general damages can be found by using our compensation calculator below:

Compensation Calculator
Part Of Body
How Severe?


*Estimates are based upon the severity of the injury and should be used as a guide only.

Special Damages

Special damages compensate for measurable financial losses incurred as a result of the accident.

Typical factors included in special damages are:

  • Medical expenses. This includes all costs associated with medical treatment for the injury – from initial emergency care to ongoing therapies and future medical expenses if long-term treatment or rehabilitation is needed.
  • Lost earnings. If you’ve missed work due to your injuries, you can claim for lost wages. This also extends to future loss of earnings if your ability to work is impacted long-term.
  • Property damage. If personal property was damaged or destroyed in the accident, such as your vehicle in a car accident, the costs of repair or replacement may be included.
  • Additional costs. Any other out-of-pocket expenses related to the accident such as travel expenses to medical appointments, costs for home modifications due to disabilities, and hiring help for household duties are examples of claimable expenses.

Considerations When Calculating Compensation

  • Severity and duration of injuries. Generally, more severe and long-lasting injuries result in higher compensation.
  • Impact on future earnings. If your injuries negatively affect your future earning capacity, this can significantly increase compensation.
  • Age and occupation. Younger claimants with severe injuries might receive higher compensation due to the longer impact on their life and earnings.
  • Documenting everything. Keeping thorough documentation of all injuries, treatments, and expenses is important for accurately calculating compensation.

It’s important to note that each accident claim is unique, and, therefore, compensation calculations are tailored to the specific circumstances of each case. Legal advice from an experienced personal injury solicitor is, in our opinion, often essential in accurately assessing and pursuing an accident compensation claim.

How Long Does An Accident Claim Take?

The length of time it takes for an accident claim to be settled can differ enormously depending on a variety of factors. While some claims can be settled relatively quickly, others can take many months or even years to settle.

The following are some common factors that can influence the duration of an accident claim:

  • The complexity of the claim. If the claim involves multiple parties or if the injuries sustained by the claimant are severe, it can take longer to gather all of the necessary evidence and reach a fair settlement.
  • The seriousness of the injuries. Cases that involve serious injuries such as brain damage or limb amputations can take longer to settle as the claimant might require ongoing surgeries, treatments and lengthy rehabilitation before the full extent of their injuries can be accurately determined.
  • Whether all parties cooperate. An accident claim could be settled more quickly if all parties involved cooperate and reach a settlement early on. If there is little cooperation and one or both parties are not willing to budge, the process may drag on.
  • Court proceedings. Although in our experience most accident claims won’t end up in court, if the court’s schedule is particularly busy then the proceedings can get delayed.

In general, a straightforward accident claim could be settled within a few months, while more complex claims generally take longer. However, it’s important to note that every accident claim is unique, and the duration of the process will depend on the specific circumstances of the case.

Do I Need An Accident Claims Solicitor To Make A Compensation Claim?

Whether you need an accident claims solicitor to make a compensation claim can depend on the circumstances of the case. For straightforward, minor claims, you might manage without legal representation. However, even in such cases, dealing with the process without a solicitor can still be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding your rights, the potential value of your claim, adhering to time limits and ensuring any evidence strongly supports your case.

Making an accident claim with the help of an experienced solicitor on our team can significantly improve the chances of a successful outcome. They can guide you through each step, handle negotiations on your behalf, and work to achieve the best possible result for your situation.

What Is No Win No Fee & How Does It Work?

No Win No Fee means you don’t have to pay your accident claims solicitor’s fees upfront. If a solicitor on our team takes your accident claim on and it isn’t won, you won’t pay anything for their services. If it is won, a percentage of your compensation will be deducted as a fee, usually up to 25%. This setup essentially makes legal representation accessible to everybody, regardless of their financial situation. It also means your solicitor is highly motivated to win since they only get paid if you do.

Importantly, before signing any legally binding contract, make sure you fully understand all the terms of the agreement, including any potential costs you might face if you win, like insurance premiums or other expenses. Our solicitors will be happy to explain anything you’d like to know about No Win No Fee agreements.

Starting The Accident Claims Process

Claimants often face challenges when starting the process of a personal injury claim. However, the solicitors on our team are committed to helping clients overcome these challenges effectively by:

  • Proving negligence. Our solicitors can assist in gathering comprehensive evidence, including photographs, witness statements, and medical records, to establish the other party’s negligence.
  • Dealing with insurance companies. Our experienced team negotiates with insurers on your behalf, ensuring your rights are protected and preventing any undermining of your claim.
  • Meeting time deadlines. Our team monitor all critical deadlines, initiating the claims process promptly to avoid any invalidation due to time constraints.
  • Dealing with legal complexities. With our solicitor’s legal expertise, you’re guided through the intricate legal process, enhancing your understanding and the likelihood of a successful claim.

To discuss how we could help you begin an accident compensation claim please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re more than happy to provide free advice during a no-obligation initial telephone consultation with you, and if there’s a fair chance that you should be paid compensation, one of our accident claim solicitors might take your claim on. If they do, you will not be asked to pay legal fees upfront as your claim will be handled on a No Win No Fee basis.

If you would like to speak with us about making an accident claim today, please call 0800 6524 881.

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